Group Sessions


Group sessions are offered throughout the week. Each session emphasizes on a sequence of positions targeting specific effects (soft tissues, breathing and physiology). Sessions can be organized for their complementarities (i.e., the Front-Back session is complemented by the Medial-Lateral session). Longer sessions (two hours) allow the integration of complementary sequences.


Breathing modules cover the theoretical and practical exploration and enhancement of respiration. Integrated into the breathing modules is the guided visualization.


Front-Back Sessions

Series of positions organised sequentially to modulate psycho-physiological changes. Complementary of Medial-Latera Sessions.


Medial-Lateral Sessions

Series of positions organised sequentially to modulate psycho-physiological changes. Complementary of Front-Back Sessions.


Breathing Module 1

Breathing exercises focusing on the anatomical structures involved.


Breathing Module 2

Breathing exercises focusing on the physiological structures involved.


Breathing Module 3

Breathing exercises focusing on rhythms and cardio-pulmonary coupling involved.


Whole Body Session

Series of positions organised sequentially to modulate psycho-physiological changes.Integration of Front-Back and Medial-Lateral Sessions.